
Good news: the hospital bill that got sent to collection has dropped off my credit report! Bad news is I’m running up against my credit limit, but that’s another credit issue folks.

I’ve watched cooking shows since I was a kid & helped my grandma prepare things in her kitchen, so it’s always been a casual interest of mine. When I started living on my own I had to learn to cook some things, but never got too far out of my wheelhouse. This post-injury period really helped me develop a different relationship & familiarity with cooking. Maybe I have more patience for it now, too. It’s therapeutic in some ways, the rituals & rhythms. Pretty fun stuff!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned Chico’s Tacos in some blog somewhere, but it’s an El Paso staple I grew up with that I beg everyone to try. Its beef flautas in a red chile sauce topped with cheese & green chile. To be able to make this on my own for Jessica & I hundreds of miles away from home is a good feeling.

Hourly Comic Day 2022

Another thrilling Hourly Comic Day! I’m a big furniture assembly head. Just try keeping furniture unassembled around me. I didn’t get too far with the name Generator, I have a memory of those things being more imaginative, or at least having better prompts.

Despite trying to stay busy, grief still has a pretty strong hold on me. Shock finally turned into sadness. The beginning of a process, I guess. The little routines help on days like this.