
I had to have some kind of happy ending to this overall grim series of pandemic comics. Jessica has been my anchor during this pandemic. She’s helped me retain a grip on reality during my most uncertain moments. More than that, really. These comics wouldn’t exist without her. Her constant support & belief in what I do has inspired me to challenge myself consistently to get better at making comics. At least that’s what I’m going for. I feel like I’m making progress, but who knows? All I can do is keep going.

This series of pandemic comics is now available as a zine/digital zine download! I intended to make this zine prior to running these comics in Human Stuff #2 (Cuts of Me), but never got it together til now. You can pick one up at the recently redesigned Grackle Studio shop.

Remember, Patreon backers have a coupon code for 25% off everything!

Social Distancing: A Comic About the Pandemic

I’ve been meaning to post these comics for a long time. It was something I stopped prioritizing because I wanted to release this comic series out as a zine first. Now that I’m doing the zine, I can share this series of pandemic comics. These also appeared in Human Stuff 2: Cuts of Me.

These comics are about how I was processing the pandemic at the time I drew them, from late 2020 through early 2021. It was a lot that was happening at once, felt like the world was experiencing a major event. It caused me to take stock of my life in a way that I’m sure a lot of people did.

This comic is sort of the overture to the next six pages. I remember how the signs the pandemic was happening arrived before the pandemic actually got to the Austin community. People were freaked out. In my head it seemed like a repeat of the bird flu & swine flu outbreaks from the mid/late aughts. At that time I worked in a pharmacy in San Francisco & was used to people wearing masks during times like these. Maybe it was this false sense of security that led to me getting coronavirus in February 2020 before thinking to take any precaution.

Wild how the pandemic is still happening, right? It’s just sort of a way of life now, people pretend like it’s over. Anyhow, tune in next week to learn how the pandemic ended my job.